Friday 9 July 2021

 Hi phoenix here. This term the most thing i like was art - portraits because we get to colour in with Colouring pencils and whenever were drawing ourselves or something else my class we colour ourselves in with pastel . 


  1. Great to hear you had such a fantastic time doing art this term, Phoenix. I'll bet you are super excited about our whole-school art project in Term 3! Maybe we can add some photos of your artworks, for your viewers to enjoy. Check in with me back at school and we will see if we can update this!

    1. Thank you and yes i will see you for the update.See you.

  2. Kia Ora Phoenix,
    My class did portraits as well and I think we used pastel's.
    What colors did you use.

    Blog ya later!
    Shannon :)

  3. Are you doing some art work at home? Would love to see your skills used in some ideas of your own.
